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"That Guy Brian" Episode 1 "Awakening"

Hello everyone! Here is the script for the first episode of That Guy Brian! I'm working on the storyboard now and animation should begin shortly! As soon as the episode is animated, I'll link it in the blog! This episode will be split up into multiple 5-10 minute episodes in order to speed up the animation process and get more content out to you all! However, here is the script in its entirety! Enjoy!

Episode 1 “Awakening”

Camera pans over while therapist says,

Therapist: Ok let’s see what you’ve drawn why don’t we?

Brian: Ok but like just saying this is reaaaaaaaaally fucking dumb.

Therapist: Ok Brian, no need for the profanity. Let’s see what you’ve done here.

Grabs picture, showing multiple dots in a line.

Therapist: Brian, you were supposed to draw a picture of what you consider to be your family and the people important to you.

Brian: yeah, that’s what I did.

Therapist: Oh God this is going to be rough.

Camera pans to main character sitting on couch with friend.

Tyler: Dude like fuck him man, who even cares what he thinks?

Brian: I don’t know man, I just feel like he might be right ya know? Like what if I am “emotionally distant” and “apathetic towards my fellow human beings”

*Tyler looks confused*

Tyler: Dude like I don’t even know what that means bro. All I’m saying is man, like you gotta like who you are and if you don’t then that’s when you know you have an issue. *Takes big bong rip and coughs a lot, passes bong to main character stating* You want a hit man? It might take your mind off of things.

Brian: Nah man I’m good, I think I’m just gonna take a nap *gets up to leave*

Tyler: Alright man, hey, don’t let it get to you bro, just repeat the motto man, fuck the man, man.

Brian: *lacklusterly* Yeah fuck the man, man.

Camera follows Brian going into room and collapsing onto the bed

Brian *to himself*: Maybe I am fucked up

*Brian falls asleep*

*Brian wakes up to the smell of smoke*

Brian: What the fuck?!

*Looks around to see room is filled with smoke* *Opens door and runs down hallway to see that living room, where friend is, is engulfed in flame*

Brian: Dude Tyler, get up man come on!

Tyler: Mmmm what? Five more minutes man I don’t even have work today.

Brian: Tyler dude the house is on fucking fire let’s go!

Tyler: Hmmm *wakes up and looks around* Oh shit fuck dude!

Brian: Dude come on! *Grabs Tyler’s collar and pulls him off the couch*

Tyler: Wait man!

Brian: What?! Dude come one! We’re gonna fucking die dude!

Tyler: I need the bong man!

Brian: What?! Tyler come the fuck on!

*Tyler grabs bong and slips, gets up and both characters make it out*

*Tyler and Brian sit outside on the lawn watching the house burn, sirens can be heard in the background*

Tyler: Dude, I guess we don’t need a light anymore. *starts to laugh*

Brian: What the actual fuck Tyler?? How could you forget to put out your joint? That’s our house man!! Where the fuck are we gonna live?! *Stands up and starts to walk away angrily* Tyler: Dude chill out, it’ll all be fine, we’ll figure something out.

Brian: “We’ll”, We’ll figure something out?! Tyler, I don’t have a job, you barely have a job, we’re already in debt, and now we have no place to stay! How the HELL will it all be fine?!

Tyler: I don’t know man, but I know we’ll figure something out. Maybe we can crash with Frank.

Brian: Ah yeah, Frank, the guy who still lives in his mom’s basement?! God I can’t fucking wait to live in Mrs. Kerzinski’s fucking basement Brian.

Tyler: Well I don’t know what you want me to say man, maybe we can find somewhere cheap to live until we can save some money to buy a new place??

Brian: Whatever Tyler. *Walks away angrily*

Tyler: Dude where are you going? Brian? Dude don’t go, I’m sorry man.

*Brian keeps walking away*

*Screen goes dark*

*Cuts to Brian walking down an alley by himself*

Brian: Fucking shit man, what am I going to do now? Where am I going to live?

*Looks up at the building and climbs up the fire escape to the roof*

Brian: Maybe this is when I just call it quits. Like what’s even the point anymore? I might as well just stop.

*Looks over the ledge down to the street 10 stories below* Brian: God, fuck that’s high.

(Voice): But it’s not high enough to kill you.

Brian: What the fuck?! who is that? *He looks around frantically, startled*

Mysterious figure walks out from behind an object on the roof

Mysterious Figure: It’s not high enough to kill you probably, you’ll probably just break every bone in your body and survive as a quadriplegic. Tragic life really, sad to see.

Brian: Um thanks for the advice man *Skeptically* Who uhhhhh, who are you?

Will: Name’s Will. Will Kilto. Nice to meet you, and you are? *extends hand for handshake*

Brian: Uhhhh Brian, Brian Winter, *shakes hand skeptically* what uhhhh what are you doing on the roof?

Will: What are you doing on the roof?

Brian: I was just uhh

Will: Just trying to kill yourself? Cause you’re a pathetic, worthless, good-for-nothing piece of human filth who is too weak and cowardly to try to fix himself and would instead rather push the eject button for life and bail?

Brian: *eyes to the ground* Well I wouldn’t—

Will: You wouldn’t put it that way? Then how would you put it?

Brian: I mean, I guess you’re right.

Will: You’re damn straight I’m right my man, I’m always right! *He straightens up and walks around a little*

Brian: Who uh, who are you? Will: I told you, I’m Will, Will Kilto, don’t tell me you’re stupid on top of worthless.

Brian: No I meant like why are you just chilling on a roof insulting random strangers? Don’t you have anything better to do?

Will: Ahhhhhhhhhh, you gotta be more specific man. You confuse people when you aren’t specific. I’m on this roof because I’m here to help people, help people that need help.

Brian: What does that mean?

Will: *Knocking on his head* God damn man you sure are dumb. I’m here to help you, in whatever way they’ve deemed that to mean!

Brian: Wait who’s they? Will: Oh just them, you don’t need to worry about them, that’s for a later point.

Brian: I mean like, thanks man, but I don’t need your help. I’m fine.

Will: Oh dear my boy, you need more help than I thought.

Brian: You don’t know me man, you don’t know anything about me.

Will: * pulls down glasses and reads off of notepad* I know you’re 25, born in Minnesota, dated Kathy in high school and into college until she dumped you, which left you empty and made you drop out of college, where you then moved into an apartment with your childhood friend Tyler who ehhhhhh is questionable at best in terms of ethics. You worked at Happy Burger for 2 years until you were terminated for stealing money out of the registers and have since been unemployed, living in a house with Tyler until it burned down tonight. *puts away glasses and notepad* Did I miss anything?

Brian: *Looking shocked* How…How the fuck do you know all of that??? Have you been stalking me??

Will: Hmmmmmm in a sense I guess. I wouldn’t call it stalking, you see, I’m dead my good sir. I’ve been dead for about 5 years now, and I was assigned your case shortly after your break up with dear Kathy, who by the way has a lovely family now and oooooooo you didn’t want to hear that.

Brian: Assigned my case? What case?

Will: Your life case Brian *he pats Brian’s chest* I’m here to help you turn your life around. You know, give you advice and help you through tough situations. They send people like me out to help people like you! Brian: people like me? People like you?

Will: Struggling people who just can’t seem to catch a break!

Brian: Ok so let me get this straight, you’re dead, and you’re here to help me get my life together? Will: That’s the jist of it!

Brian:*Laughs hysterically* Hahahahahahaha whatever you say man, I thought I got high but man, you are floating.

*Looks up to see Will actually floating* Brian: Holy shit! *Falls back*

Will: See, I told you.

Brian: Holy Shit man, uhhh uhhhh the power of Christ compels you!! *Holds fingers in shape of cross*

Will:* Squirms, writhing in pain, screaming* Aghhhhhh nooooo, not the cross, hissssssss it burns!

Brian: HA! Suck on that douche!

Will: *Stops* Man cut that bullshit out, God ain’t real man, why you think I’m here!

Brian: *Screams* Ahhhhh get away from me man! *Crawls away* Will: Ah man come on, don’t make me possess you.

Brian: AH don’t you fucking dare man!

Will: Well I won’t if you just listen!

Brian: Fine man, what?

Will: I promise Brian, I’m here to help you.

Brian: and Why the Fuck should I believe you?

Will: Cause you have no other options.

*Brian thinks back to his life’s failures*

Brian: *tentatively* No ghost jokes?

Will: Man I don’t even know what that is.

Brian: Fine, what’s first?

Will: First, let’s get some food, I’m starving.

*They turn away and start walking away into a sunset which then collapses and turns out to be a billboard type object that was hanging from the sky* Brian: Seriously man? Will: My bad, I thought it would help LIGHTEN the mood *Laughs*

Brian: *Putting his head in his hands* Jesus Christ

Will: Yes? Hahahahaha Just kidding haha GOTCHA

Brian: Yeah good one man, so like how do you eat? Doesn’t it just go right through you? Will: Only the spicy stuff hahaha TOOT TOOT!!

Brian: *Looks annoyed*

Will: Alright last one.


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